Personal Pleasure journal

Pleasure is medicine and our birthright. Pleasure allows us to relax, release and open our bodies.

There’s a neurological response to pleasure, keeping our fight or flight at bay and allowing us a moment of enlightenment. Pleasure has an incredible impact on our body that creates a “safe-space” to allow emotional scars to move through us. With pleasure we thrive. There are four types of pleasure and here is a pleasure journal, discussing.

Today, 24th of August 2023 I am appreciating so much in life.

The three things I’m appreciative about life:

  • Exploring Paris with my best friend one final day

  • Spending time with my brother from another in London for a few days

  • Still on a high from seeing the pictures/videos from my step-brothers wedding and a good friend of mines wedding 

The three things I appreciate about myself today:

  • Reaching out to an estranged member of my life

  • Writing and feeling comfortable sharing my pleasure journal with Feeling Seen

  • Putting in parameters for once I get back to the states so I can truly hone in on my goals

The three things that met my pleasure for today:

  • Connecting with my girlfriend and embracing a kiss as she took off on the train to Germany today

  • Exercising with my friend and being pushed to the limit. Despite my excuses, he doesn’t care! Love it

  • Meditating in my Paris hotel, honoring my mental and creating a space of serenity is everything for me

Today I was able to achieve all four types of pleasures and reach the four pillars (meditation, movement, connection, pleasure). Ranking everything on my pleasure scale from 1-10, with 10 being the ultimate highest below:

Appreciation about life: 9. The only possible way to have made my appreciation in life better would have been to have planned my time in Paris a bit more, although I personally thrive in the freedom to roam and get lost in the beauty of life surrounding me. Taking my girlfriend to Paris, to spoil her. Traveling to my friend to see him and how he lives in London is everything. I also complain that my family hardly ever comes to see me in Austin as it’s usually the other way around, me coming to see them. My friend in London comes to the states often yet I haven’t visited him in London in 8 yrs - it feels amazing to end that today. Witnessing the love of two couples, one being family, is the highlight of the year. I’m creating divine unity within my partnership and to see theirs culminate (in terms of marriage)  before my eyes is something I will always appreciate. Having the ability to spend more quality time with both couples would be the only thing to make these experiences a 10. Love them both. 

Appreciation about myself today: 10. This is simply the best feeling. I’ve written and continue to embody the values I’ve set for myself. To notice myself working toward them, daily, is phenomenal. There’s a quote that I’m probably butchering but it goes something like, “It doesn’t matter how good or bad I did today. I’ll be back regardless tomorrow and that’s all that matters.”

Appreciation about pleasure today: 10. A day in which I connect with others and myself, meditate, get some movement in and find pleasure (10 if it’s all four forms) I’m living my heaven on earth. 

The beauty of doing this pleasure journal is in knowing that I’m truly grateful. I do appreciate all the aspects of my life. Not everyday is so grand, but everyday to take time and do my pleasure journal is a day better. Having this appreciation feels like when your favorite meal is presented before you, just the way you love it.

Gratitude isn’t always the easiest of feelings, at times showing and/or seeing appreciation may be the best we can do on certain days. Even then it can be difficult! It’s easiest for me to find when doing my pleasure journal. If it doesn’t feel like it can happen, looking back over my past entries I know if I give something a grade of 1 or 2 for example, I am appreciative that I wrote my journal entries in the past so that I can look back on what will boost my score a bit ◡̈


Common Ground
