What is a stigma?

We talk a lot about stigma here at Feeling Seen because the biggest shame often comes when the things we desire or the person we are is stigmatized. 

But what exactly is a stigma, and how do they form? 

Stigmas can form for various reasons, including cultural, social, and personal beliefs. Some common factors that contribute to the formation of stigmas include: 

  1. Lack of knowledge or understanding: When people lack accurate information about a particular issue, they may develop negative attitudes, misconceptions, and stereotypes about it. 

  2. Fear: Fear can be a powerful force that drives people to avoid, isolate, or discriminate against individuals or groups that they perceive to be different, dangerous, or threatening. 

  3. Prejudice: Prejudice involves holding negative attitudes and beliefs about individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or other characteristics. 

  4. Media portrayal: The media can sometimes portray certain groups or individuals in a negative light, perpetuating stereotypes and reinforcing stigmas. Think about the last movie you watched and which characters were seen as “good” and “bad.” 

  5. Power imbalances: Stigmas can also arise from power imbalances, where one group or individual has greater social or economic status and uses this power to marginalize or discriminate against others. 

The bottom line: 

Stigmas can form due to a complex interplay of individual, societal, cultural, religious, transgenerational, and intergenerational factors that shape our perceptions and attitudes towards others, but the key is in knowing how they form, why they form, and what we can do to stop them. 

The more we talk about stigmas, the less power they hold over us. 


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